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Hangovers: The Basics

Writer's picture: Tristin HunterTristin Hunter

Updated: Aug 4, 2020

Here at TN Scientific, we understand crazy nights out, which means we also know how the next day (aka "the aftermath") can end up feeling. If you have ever spent the night drinking, you have most likely experienced what is known as a hangover the subsequent day. These symptoms vary from person to person. However, they frequently look like this:

  • Fatigue

  • Weakness

  • Thirst and Dry Mouth

  • Headaches

  • Nausea and Vomiting

  • Dizziness

  • Poor Sleep

  • Shakiness

  • Mood Disturbances and Irritability

  • Rapid Heartbeat

Multiple factors can contribute towards these symptoms becoming a problem for you, and learning about them could help you overcome your next hangover.

Dehydration will be one of the main elements that ultimately lead to your hangover. Ethanol, the alcohol in your drinks, is a toxic chemical that works in your body as a diuretic. Having to go to the bathroom a billion times during one night is probably not just because you have a tiny bladder. That would be the diuresis from the ethanol at work, AKA the increased production of urine, which eventually leads to dehydration unless you've been keeping up with your water intake!

Additionally, because you pee so much, you're going to end up developing a deficiency in your Vitamin B and C levels. If you wake up with intense thirst, a dry mouth, or a horrible headache, it's probably because of those low vitamin levels. So when you wake up, drink a big glass of water or fresh juice, take a painkiller, and snack on a banana for a quick dose of Potassium.

Remember, you could avoid this whole ordeal if you take The Hangover Pill from TN Scientific the night before. It's packed with all the vitamins and nutrients your body needs for a night out!

Another factor in how severe your hangover will be consists of what variety of alcohol you prefer to drink- yes, top-shelf versus well applies even to your hangover! In every liquor, there are impurities called congeners. They're responsible for the taste, aroma, and color of your drink, and coincidentally, how bad your hangover can be. The term, you get what you pay for, fits here rather well!

Top shelf liquors undergo a more rigorous distilling process compared to the well liquors, leaving them with fewer impurities, as well as a higher price tag. A well liquor in a plastic bottle could cost you less, but you'll feel worse when you wake up. Any dark liquor, such as brandy, whiskey, bourbon, or red wine, will have a higher concentration of congeners than white wine, vodka or gin. Of course, this research still could be furthered upon. As Michael Rucker says in his article on the topic, "The problem with congenerics is that there are so many different types of them that not much research has been carried out to test what their exact effect is on intoxication and hangovers. However, what we do know is that for the most part, our body does not like them."

Let's research further into the science behind hangovers! Alcohol metabolism is the process of alcohol being broken down in the liver. When this happens, acetaldehyde, a product more toxic than alcohol itself, is made. An enzyme, acetaldehyde dehydrogenase, as well as a substance, called glutathione, attack the acetaldehyde. When acetaldehyde is broken down, it creates nontoxic acetate, which is much like vinegar. This process works great for your body when you're only having a drink or two at dinner. However, when you begin to drink heavier, the liver starts to run out of glutathione. Acetaldehyde is a toxin known for creating bad hangovers, and once you run out of glutathione, it will build up more and more. The levels of acetaldehyde you have in your liver will largely determine how bad you feel the next day.

You should have learned in middle school health class that alcohol is a depressant. It inhibits your body's natural stimulant, glutamine. When you stop drinking, your body will try to make extra of this stimulant. Usually, this part happens while you're trying to sleep, leaving you restless and unable to pass out. When you do finally, you made find it dissatisfying, and the next morning will have you feeling fatigued and shaky.

I was always led to believe the vomiting portion of your night happened while drunk. Of course, it does for most, but it can also occur the day after! Your stomach won't be happy about all the toxins left in it from the night before- the cells that line it will be very irritated. Also, alcohol promotes the secretion of hydrochloric acid. This acid causes your nerves to send a message to your brain, telling it to expel its contents. So don't be surprised if you spend all night and day sitting by your toilet!

Now that we know why a hangover occurs, let's talk a bit about remedies. There's no magical pill that will save you from a hangover that has already begun to haunt you. The key is prevention! Make sure to take enough Vitamin B & C! Plus, don't forget to stay hydrated!

Take a dose of The Hangover Pill from TN Scientific before you go out and before you go to bed! It'll keep you thriving through the night. Packed with five different types of B Vitamins, Vitamin C, Calcium, Zinc, Potassium, Magnesium, Milk Thistle Seed, Prickly Pear Extract, Burdock Root, Ginger Root, and Vine Tea, it's sure to help you shake those nasty hangover symptoms. Want to know more about the specific vitamins in our product? Look into ingredient-specific blogs to get detailed information!



Hangovers (2017, December 16). In Mayo Clinic. Retrieved from

Rucker, M. (2007, October 11). What Are Congeners?. In Michael Rucker Ph.D. Retrieved from

Webley, K. (2010, December 31). Top 10 Hangover Cures. In TIME. Retrieved from,28804,2039990_2039991_2040040,00.html

Vandergriendt, C. (2019,

February 25). What Causes a Hangover and How Long Will It Last?. In Healthline. Retrieved from

How To "Cure" A Hangover? Symptoms, Treatments, and Prevention (n.d.). In DrinkAware. Retrieved from



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